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NLEN Marched to the Polls Tuesday, October 22nd.


This recap of NLEN's participation in March to the Polls was coauthored by NLEN intern Mary Kate Gruening. All photos courtesy of Mary Kate Gruening.

Monday, October 21st marked the beginning of citywide early voting in Chicago.

NLEN understands the critical importance of voting and civic engagement and encourages everyone to make their voiced heard at the polls in the upcoming November 2024 elections. NLEN proudly partnered with Communities Partnering for Peace (CP4P) for a North Lawndale March to the Polls event Tuesday, October 22nd.

NLEN hosted the March to the Polls rally on our campus, where community members gathered to drink beelove café coffee, connect, and hear from local community speakers about the power of voting. Speakers included State Representative Lakesia Collins, NLEN President and CEO Brenda M. Palms, and UCAN staff member Edwin Galetti. Brenda Palms discussed the legacy of voting rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer in her remarks and celebrated local resident Janice for her local voter registration efforts.

After the rally, attendees marched down the sidewalk to the 24th Ward early voting site at St. Agatha’s Church, where people cast their ballots.

NLEN was proud to support March to the Polls in order to drive the importance of civic engagement on the West Side. Voter turnout in North Lawndale is consistently significantly lower than the citywide average. Only 17.3% of eligible 24th Ward voters voted in the 2024 primary election and the 24th Ward had 25% turnout during the municipal runoff elections in 2023.

We thank Communities Partnering for Peace for their efforts to coordinate March to the Polls alongside other community based organizations across the city and the West Side.

NLEN is dedicated to sharing voter resources, including early voting site locations, registration information, and nonpartisan guides. We are proud to partner with Injustice Watch and distribute paper copies of the “Check Your Judges” voter guide on our 1111 S. Homan Ave campus and in the beelove café now through election day, Tuesday November 5th. You can find additional voting information and resources below:

Voting Information and Resources:

Election Day is Tuesday, November 5th. This is the last day to vote in the election. Polls in Chicago will be open from 7AM to 4PM. You can check your voter registration at the Chicago Board of Elections website at

Register to Vote: You can register to vote at any early voting site, and on Election Day with 2 forms of ID. One must demonstrate residency.

Early Voting is happening now at 51 sites across the City of Chicago. You can find the full list of early voting sites at the Chicago Board of Elections website or pick up a paper copy at NLEN's 1111 S. Homan Ave campus. Early voting sites are open Monday through Friday from 9AM to 6PM, Saturdays 9AM to 5PM, and Sundays 10AM to 4PM.

Voter Resources: You can find paper copies of the Injustice Watch Check Your Judges Voter Guide at our 1111 S. Homan Ave campus or at this link:

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